Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Environmentalists are hypocrites.

" Save the planet. Stop eating animals. "

" Oh look! That guy actually gives a shit about the planet. YAY FOR THAT GUY!!"

Since when do environmentalists give a shit about the planet? If they really want to save Earth, they could've just started by stop inhaling and stop eating. I may confuse an environmentalist with a vegetarian here, but what could you possibly do to stop me from making that 'mistake'?

Now. The environmentalists inhale oxygen. Yes. Oxygen. As in, the air we breathe into our lungs everyday. Environmentalists inhale oxygen, which leads to the fact that they are reducing the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere. Lack of oxygen can wipe out the Earth population...and cookies.

"But Ryan, you faggot, we, the environmentalists, plant trees, and, we, the environmentalists, are saving them, the animals, from extinction."

That statement leads to my second point to prove that these assholes are mere hypocrites. You plant trees and save animals. Yet, you eat harvested food crops which were sprayed with pesticide. If you don't know what pesticide is, you morons, go look it up in a dictionary. Pests are not animals? How dumb can you be, you illiterate dumbass?

Onto my next point. If environmentalists really give a shit, they wouldn't be found in supermarkets. Aren't you dumbasses supposed to 'plant trees', or to be more specific, fruit trees? Why would you go to a supermarket? A supermarket makes use of electricity. Isn't that ironic? 'Hi. I am an environmentalist who goes to supermarkets to buy some pest free vegetables and some insect repellent.'

Environmentalists should live in jungle and communicate with animals to plot a revenge against the modernized society for cutting down your squirrel buddies' homes to make furniture to sell to some other environmentalist who protest against hunting of animals by starting fires.

Yeah. Environmentalists are hypocrites.

Fuck you, and have a wonderful evening...NOT. Bai.

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Picture

I know I haven't posted anything in 2 fucking months. But I tend not to give a shit. I thank anyone who reads this blog. I haven't gotten anything to rant about. So, please feel free to e-mail/IM.

E-mail :
IM: ask Mac. :P

Whatever mail you send should NOT be written in "text" talk, whether it be fans or haters. Oh, and fuck you too, haters. I hope you die in a fire too.

And yeah, just because I'm bored as fucking hell, I edited another JoFag photo. And please keep in mind that the picture is an ACTUAL Jonas Sister. Until then,

Fuck you. Bai.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Only people with no fucking life reads this.


I get that all the time. Who actually reads this type of shit? Oh wait, this is a form of art. But I don't like art at all, thus referring to the whole point of this article.

I don't update this site/blog/whatever the hell you call this because I actually have a life than most of you, you infertile anorexics. I'm not updating this for certain reasons. Internet Provider's company, which consists of screaming balding, infertile middle aged transvestites and 20 year old unprofessional pedophiles, being greedy bastards and cutted off the service of my broadband while they still get their monthly payments from customers/jackasses who got their broadband(s) fucked up.

And a message to people who e-mails me telling me to update this 'piece of art' as you would like to call it ;
' Get a job, get a life, get a house or spend the rest of your life living in your parents' rat infested basement eating cold, stale pizza while fapping off to photos of naked, hairy men. '

Go, before it's to late. Oh wait, it is too late. Have fun masturbating to giant gorillas...NOT!

*This article may not be grammatically correct due to Ryan typing everything in this article using only his mobile phone keypad. And yes, he kicks ass. It took him 45 minutes to write this and if any of you still bitches about him regarding his recent inactivity, he will come to your house, shove a machete down your throat and burn down your house. Thank you for your co-operation.